Can You Wash Car After Window Tint? Best Tips Clean It!!!

can you wash car after window tint

If I give an answer to the question, ‘can you wash your car after window is tinted?’ Yes, you can, It is because the tint is applied from the inside of your car, so if you wash your vehicle from the outside, nothing will happen to your tinted window. However, you must be careful not to clean the car’s interior.

In this article, we will talk in detail about the process of tinted cars and how to maintain them.

Having a tinted window is helpful for you in different ways. You can have a stylish car, and also it will protect you from UV rays, give you lots of privacy, and act as a heat protector. So having your vehicle tinted will make your car look fantastic and give you various benefits.

As I said before, the car window is tinted from the inside, so you don’t have to worry about cleaning your car even just after you have the car window tinted. So, Be bold and go ahead and wash your car. Ensure you only clean the outside but not the inside because the tint is applied from the inside of your car window.

Can You Wash Car After Window Tint?

The tint to a car window is applied on the interior part of the window. So to wash your car just after you take it from the place you got it tinted, the only thing you will have to care about is to seal the windows correctly and not let the water go inside your car.

In any case, if you accidentally allow water to go into the interior surface of your window, you will damage your car window. And you will have to spend some more money to fix your tinted window, so make sure not to ruin your car window’s tint by allowing the water to go into the car’s exterior.

What is the Process of Getting your Car Window Tinted?

Now let’s see how they tint your car window. First, they clean the window properly before doing anything else, as it is crucial to keep your windows clean. Then they apply a thin layer of film to the inside surface of your car window.

The tinted car window will have so many advantages. For example, You will be protected from any UV rays, and also it will save you from entering the heat from the outside. Also, this thin film will darken your car windows by giving you much more privacy in the daytime. And you will have a stylish tinted car with you.

There are different kinds of tints where you can tint your window based on your liking and depending on the darker window you need.

How Do you Take Care of the Window After you Get It Tinted?

There are a few tips to follow if you plan to wash your car right after you tint. The cleaning process is easier than you think if you do it correctly. Making any mistake is more likely to damage your car windows. Let’s have an idea of how to take care of the window after you get it tinted.

Clean the Window Carefully

You will first have to consider choosing a suitable cleaning product to wash your windows. Primarily it would be best if you were careful not to take an ammonia-based effect as it will damage the tinted windows. You can use warm water and vinegar to clean your windows with yellow spots. This way, you don’t have to spend much money on manufactured cleaning products and will also save money.

Then you can go ahead with your work with the help of the same soft towel and glass cleaner to wipe off all the dirt from the window as it will damage if the window gets scratched. So make sure you clean the window properly before doing anything else.

Be Careful When Cleaning the Window

As you know, you can clean the windows right after your car’s tinted. It would be best if you were careful not to damage the tinted windows. Most importantly, it would be best to consider sealing the windows properly by not allowing even a drop of water to touch the car’s interior. Water is not a friend to your tinted windows. If you are unsure that water will leak inside, it is recommended to stay a few days before washing your car.

Be patient If you Wash Your Car Right After It is Tinted

I know you will get excited after you get your vehicle tinted. But it would be best to remember never to roll down your car windows after tinting them to check the results. Because if you move right away, It is more like to bubbles appear on your dark film, and you will ruin your car windows.

Be Patient If you Wash Your Car Right After It is Tinted

I know you will get excited after you get your vehicle tinted. But it would be best to remember never to roll down your car windows after tinting them to check the results. Because if you move right away, It is more like to bubbles appear on your dark film, and you will ruin your car windows.

Try to Skip the Car Wash Right After your Windows are Tinted

I know you want to wash your car, and yes, you can wash your vehicle without wetting the car’s interior. But it is best to skip this process for a few days. If not, it will add moisture and slow down the drying process, and even with how careful you are, you will ruin your car in a second by a tiny mistake. So I was hoping you could take my advice and try to skip the washing process for a few days.


By reading this article, you get all the answers you need a hoe to clean your car right after you get it from tinting your car windows. Follow the steps I have mentioned above, and your vehicle will not be damaged.

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